Another Story Sold! "Devour," To Escape Pod
I am thrilled to announce the sale of “Devour” to the premier science fiction podcaster, Escape Pod.
“Devour” is the tale of an elderly gay married couple who are infected by a long-forgotten military bio-weapon – faithful and generous readers may remember me live-blogging a revision of this story during last year’s Clarion Echo effort, and I think it’s one of my most powerful stories ever. (It’s based on watching my mother try to cope with my stepfather’s failing struggle with Lou Gehrig’s disease, and the love that emanated from them before Bruce finally passed on.)
Escape Pod always does good productions, so I can’t wait to see this one go live! Plus, it’s paid at professional rates because Escape Pod is just that good.
- Quick Updates for 2011-08-23 - [...] SFWA member Ferrett Steinmetz sold his gay-lovers-infected-by-military-virus story “Devour” to Escape Pod. [...]