Want To Hear Me Read One Of My Best Stories?

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 15.678% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)

What Fates Impose - the cover of the book I'm in!The best story I’ve written in the past year is a glacial little tale called “Black Swan Oracle,” originally entitled “Facebook Oracle” – a fortune-teller who reads social media, contrasting and comparing the posting habits of billions of users to tell you your fate out to six significant digits.  It was heavily influenced by Nate Silver’s The Signal and the Noise, a nonfiction book on forecasting.  Thematically, it’s got a lot in common with my story “‘Run,’ Bakri Says,” if you liked that.
The good news: I sold this story.
The better news: You can buy it.
The best news: If you chip in at the $15 level, you can hear me read it.  I’m told I’m pretty decent at doing readings, but until now it’s all been to small crowds; for the first time, I’m going to commit myself to doing a full-on, dramatic interpretation of my own story, so you can hear it as I hear it in my head.
The bad news, and you knew this was coming: it’s in yet another Kickstarter.  But I’m pretty confident this one will get funded, particularly if y’all chip in – it’s got lots of good people in the table of contents aside from just little ol’ me, some absolutely brilliant authors who I am proud to share story-space with.  I’ll give you more information as we get closer to the date, including an excerpt, but my advice? Head over to the Kickstarter, kick the tires, and hand ’em some money if this all sounds good to you.



  1. Buy My New Story “Black Swan Oracle,” in What Fates Impose! | Ferrett Steinmetz - [...] week, I told you about my tale in the upcoming fortune-teller anthology What Fates Impose, citing it as my…

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