I Am 12% Of The Best Podcast Fiction Of All Time
(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 14.472% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)
…at least I am according to David Steffen, who compiled his list of the Top 50 Podcast Fiction of All Time. And I showed up six times on this list.
(My highest charting was #10, so I think that makes me like a really influential indie band.)
So in case you’re wondering (and there are many other good stories on that list to check out, if’n you like podcast fiction – check out Keffy in particular):
- #10: “Dead Merchandise” by Ferrett Steinmetz (Escape Pod)
- #24: “Hollow as the World” by Ferrett Steinmetz (Drabblecast)
- #27: “Devour” by Ferrett Steinmetz (Escape Pod)
- #29: “‘Run,’ Bakri Says” by Ferrett Steinmetz (Escape Pod)
- #40: “Suicide Notes, Written by an Alien Mind” by Ferrett Steinmetz (Pseudopod)
- #48: “As Below, So Above” by Ferrett Steinmetz (Podcastle)