My Debut Novel "Flex" Is Now Releasing On 4/6/2015!

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 14.472% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)

This is big news: my debut novel Flex will not be coming out at the end of this month.
It will, instead, be arriving on April 6th, 2015.  (Or, if you’re in England, you get it on 4/2/15, you lucky dogs.)
I’m sorry for everyone who was looking forward to cracking open my words in a few weeks.  But if you’re in the publishing industry, you know that six months from acquisition to publishing is an incredibly tight turnaround time for a book – a compressed timeline that depended on everything going perfectly right, which it did not.  The good news is that this means that Angry Robot will have time to get out ARCs to more reviewers, and tweak what’s shaping up to be a breathtaking cover.
(I should also note that if you go to Amazon and B&N and Powells, it appears they do not know of this changed date yet.  They have been informed, but it’ll take a few days for the information to percolate through their system.)
There is a hidden upside to this unexpected shift, though – when I sold the book in April, I’d already committed all of my vacation time for the year to my Italy trip, meaning that I could only get in a handful of release parties.  A 2015 release date means that I can plan an honest-to-God book tour, which will involve probably doing multiple cities over the course of a few weeks if I can manage it.  So if you want me to come to your fair town, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.  (The preexisting events at Borderlands in San Francisco and the Word bookstore in Brooklyn are still on – we’re just renegotiating dates.)
In the meantime, if you’d like to wet your whistle on Flex, you can go to my official book page and read the praises from the authors who’ve liked it well enough to give it a blurb – which currently includes the all-star roster of Seanan McGuire, Cherie Priest, Dan Wells, James Patrick Kelly, Ken Liu, Mur Lafferty, John Scott Tynes, and Robert Jackson Bennett.  Also, if you’re a book reviewer who wants an advance copy when it’s ready, contact me and I’ll make sure to put you on the list.

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