Hey, New Yorkers! And Boston People! Do Me A Favor?

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 12.06% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)

If you live in New York or Boston, you are no doubt aware that I am coming to town to do a book signing in just over two weeks!
I will wear my fine Italian suit! And bring donuts! And critique your choice of donuts, as happens far too much in my book! (One reviewer said she will always remember Flex as “The doughnut book,” which actually seems about right.)
And I will do a very dramatic reading from Flex, and be absolutely terrified that maybe nobody will show up to this thing. And perhaps they won’t!  But right now, the book stores who have kindly offered to host my novice-writer self don’t know how many people will be attending this shindig!
So.  If you are planning on showing up at either of my book signings, and you’re not averse to this Facebook thing, could you possibly click through on the appropriate links and tell all the social medias that you might placate a weasel in a cold and foreign land?
New York: Friday, March 13th, Word Bookstore in Brooklyn.
Boston(ish): Saturday, March 14th, Annie’s Book Stop In Worcester.
That would be awesome.  Thank you.

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