My WorldCon Schedule! Come And Say Hi To A Ferrett!
Friday, 8:30 pm: Ferrett Reads From Fix!
If you’re looking for a sneak preview from the next book in the ‘Mancer series, I’ll be reading the chapter where Aliyah starts out playing a soccer game and ends up destroying large swathes of Kentucky. And I will be reading it dramatically.
Saturday, 5:00 pm: Ferrett Signs Books!
I’ll be signing in the same room with John Scalzi, so I’ll just sit there with a sign saying “MY BOOK’S NOT AS GOOD BUT MY LINE IS SHORTER.”
(As usual, I will be so happy to be there that I’ll sign anything. Doesn’t necessarily have to be my book. Or even a book. If I can put a pen on it, I’ll sign it.)
Friday, 2:00 – 3:00 pm: Second Childhood: Cartoons For Adults
Hear me squee about Steven Universe and Adventure Time with several people on a panel! Because I assure you, I can squee about Steven Universe ALL DAY.
Entire Convention: Hey, Text Me.
If you wanna get a lunch or a dinner or hang out at some point, I’m amenable. This is a light schedule, and I’m there to say hello to people, so if you’re there let’s find someplace to meet!