Win An Advance Copy Of My Novel THE SOL MAJESTIC Six Months Before It Comes Out! (And Maybe Get It In Time For Christmas!)
You know what’s exciting? Getting your first box of physical Advance Review Copies. These are the sampler books the publisher prints and sends out to bookstores and libraries everywhere to generate buzz.

And I thought, “You know what people might like to get in time for Christmas? A super-rare present of my book, so they can read all about this time-travelling space cuisine six months before anyone else gets to.”
Then I thought: Why not?
So here’s the deal: loyal readers already know that if you pre-order the Sol Majestic, you’ll get a bunch of cool bonuses: a signed bookplate, a special drink recipe, an extra-secret recipe recipe.
But from now until Thursday at midnight, if you pre-order The Sol Majestic, I’ll make a special raffle: one out of every twenty people who’ve pre-ordered it will get a physical copy sent to them on Friday! Which means that if you live in America, USPS willing, you’ll get it in time for Christmas!
(Sorry, foreign friends. I’ll still send you a copy if you win, but it’ll go slow. )
And I’ll make sure your odds are good – if more people pre-order this book, I’ll just send out more books. Your odds will always be, at most, one in twenty. Sound good?
So here’s what you have to do, reiterated:
* Pre-order the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Loganberry Books, or any other indie store of your choosing (hint: each of these links will bring you directly to my book at these fine establishments);
* Email with the subject header “I Have Pre-Ordered The Sol Majestic,” and give me your address. (I’ll trust you that you’ve preordered. Authors largely run on kindness.)
* Wait impatiently until Friday to see if you win.
* But even if you don’t, you’ll still get free signed bookplates and the drink recipe, yadda yadda.
And just to remind you, here’s what one of my favorite authors Seanan McGuire had to say about The Sol Majestic:
THE SOL MAJESTIC by @ferretthimself is not a love letter: it’s a love asterisk, a love starburst, radiating out in so many contradictory directions that it shouldn’t possibly work, and yet somehow, gloriously, does.
It is a feast of a book, with an ingredient list and flavor profile that seems strange, until you sink your teeth into it and realize that it’s what you’ve been hungering for all along, lamb and honey, vanilla ice cream and blackcurrant jam, cinnamon and chicken and rosemary.
And trust me. Having read a couple of ARCs, the joys of getting to Have An Opinion on a book months before anyone else gets to read it leads to an amazing amount of smugness. You become a Book Hipster, going, “Oh, you read The Sol Majestic when it came out in bookstores? Well.”
So if you have pre-ordered already, well, you’re automatically in.
But if you want to win a physical copy to get in on this action soon, then please! Pre-order before Thursday at midnight, send me the obligatory email with your address so I don’t have to chase you, and on Friday we’ll send these eager little puppies out to you.
I can’t wait. But you might not have to.
- The Sweetest Review Of The Sol Majestic | Ferrett Steinmetz - […] Plus, if you pre-order it there are fabulous perks (including special drink recipes) – and a 5% chance to…
Do we have to order a physical company? Or can we pre-order the digital copy?
Of course I meant physical copy
Any copy, legally purchased in any format, is fine. I’m not picky!