Sign Up For My Newsletter, Win A Free ARC Of My Book THE SOL MAJESTIC!

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 8.442% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)
The Sol Majestic!

I’ll be doing a book tour to promote my fine-dining-in-space gay romance book The Sol Majestic in June and July. And the biggest problem with book tours is this conversation:

“A book tour? When are you coming to my town?”
“…I was there last week.”

But that’s the problem! Between the billions of Facebook posts and Tweets and other aspects, people don’t get the message that I’m coming – even though I’ve said it a billion times before! So I asked my fellow authors: What works to get the word out?

They told me: newsletters.

So. If you sign up for my newsletter at within the next two weeks, I will enter you into a raffle to win a free advance copy of The Sol Majestic – which, if not the best book I’ve ever written, is certainly the closest book to my heart because it’s got love of food and people being kind to each other and investigations of what art really means and also how do we make the work better, all overlaid with wild imaginations of what it would mean to make the finest cuisine with the weirdest sci-fi technologies.

You can win it just for giving me your email address, people.

(And also, if you pre-order it and follow the directions, you’ll get a free signed bookplate and a secret recipe and oh you know the drill by now. Click the link for info, if you must.)

Anyway. Gimme your email, and from then on I’ll send you an email about once a month with my most popular blog posts, and the books I liked, and excerpts from what I’m writing, and also hey I’ll be in your goddamned town wanna join me for free donuts and drinks afterwards?

(NOTE: All my book signings involve donuts and going out for after-signing beverages. I like to eat, what can I say?)

So head to and sign up, and in two weeks we’ll see if you’ve won. And prepare for another book tour as I try to hit as many spots as possible in the US, and maybe even Canada this time.

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