Did You Want An Invite To My Discord Server?
As mentioned before, I’ve started up a Discord server, and it’s been going pretty well… in part because it’s been invite-only, and the people involved have been extremely cool. There’s been a lot of interesting discussions ranging from Heinlein to Hamilton.
I’ll be sending out more Discord invites this Thursday, but the only way to get that invite is to sign up for my newsletter. (And, ideally, check your spam on Thursday to check it’s there.)
The newsletter is where you can also win the last advance copies of my book Automatic Reload, which is coming out a week from now.
So all I need is an email address, I promise not to spam it (I mean, I’ve sent literally two newsletters in the last six months, but there’ll be a few more thanks to book), and in return you’ll get an invite to a pretty hip chat room.
Anyway. Again, newsletter is here, invites Thursday, that is all.
Re-signed up. Looking forward to Thursday.