Yet another file from the depths of the "They don't really look like
this, but we don't have a better picture", Gail and Joe are friends of my mother and
they were invaluable to the wedding. This picture really sucks because they are the
smilingest people I know, yet this makes them look like they're sitting around waiting to
have their stomachs pumped. They took on the dual responsibilities of filming the
wedding for my stepdaughters, and making little pink candy flowers for the tables.
It meant a lot to us, and man are we grateful. Except when Gail went for a
cigarette break during the Mother-Son dance, forcing me and my Mom to redance to "You
Are The Sunshine Of My Life" all over again. But I suppose we can't get between
a woman and her carcinogen, can we? |
Paul and Sheryl Zulkeski are long-standing friends of the family, and
was one of the frequently-asked questions of the wedding. The question was:
"You mean she used to be your babysitter?" and the answer was
invariably, "YES, DAMMIT, SHE USED TO BE MY BABYSITTER." However, my uncle
took a shine to her and decided to teach her how to drink cheap wine until she got sick,
and a friendship ensued fromt here. Tommy sat sway over her teenage years and is now
the godfather of one of her kids, and Paul married her eventually a good choice.
I had always realized that I got my goony humor from my father, my
joyous happy humor from my mother, and my dry wit from my uncle. It wasn't until
recently, while hanging out with Sheryl at my mother's coronation, that I realized I got
my incredibly cynical "Yeah, whatever" attitude straight from Sheryl's
lips. You can blame her for every essay I've ever written, every flame I've ever
shot from my keyboard. So there.
Paul also, though he probably does not remember it, pulled one of the
best hoodwinks I ever saw at a Trivial Pursuit table ever. C'est la vie. |