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PreGiniPrep.jpg (11791 bytes) Note how cleverly I have made all of you walk past my previous friends to get here.  I knew damn well that you Internet junkies would be the first to get here, but when I did poetry readings the thing that annoyed me the most was when people would show up, read their own poetry.... and just walk out before they heard everyone else.   By placing all the internet pals at the end of it, you people had to walk through all of my regular folks!  Hee hee hee.  I am clever by a horse's tail.   Woo hoo!

Linda — we don't have a better picture of her alone — is one of our dearest online pals and a Southern spitfire.  She has terrified managers at lousy bars, forced reservations at the Silvermine Tavern, and generally gotten her way her entire life.  And we like that.  Linda, a.k.a. Boo, is one of the founding members of the Dark Gals Of The Sith, an online group devoted to the worship of the Dark Side of the force and the enslavery of men, and enjoys really goofy online roleplaying.  She also likes doing SCA stuff and knows karate well enough to whip yer butt but good, so watch out!

Ralph.jpg (12625 bytes) Ralph is Linda's husband and spent the night avoiding the camera... and this is what you get when you only get one picture, Ralph, so next time smile, all right? 

Ralph is another man-mountain, a huge ex-military guy, but for all of that he's one of the sweetest men I know.  He's fun to talk to, always has a good story, and like all great Southern storytellers about half of what he says is complete bullsh!t.... but you're not quite sure which half is the sh!t.  Had I been thinking I would have evened out the 3/2 discrepancy in bridesmaids to groomsmen by asking him to be in my wedding party... which is one of the few great regrets of my wedding in that I didn't.  You're one of the good ones, Ralph.  Never forget that.

Oh, and he'll also tell you he hates Star Wars.  That's one of those halves I was talking about up there.

Gabe.jpg (14391 bytes) Gabe, another member of the DGOTS, is my psychic sister because we think so much alike.  She's also one of Gini's best friends (so is Linda), and lives in Chicago.  We weren't sure if she was going to come out, but thank God she did — she's fun to be with, one of the nicest huggers I know, and even if we didn't get to take her to a showing of The Phantom Menace I was still happy to have her there!
RecepShezHat.jpg (13716 bytes) Shezan, a.k.a. Anne-Elisabeth, is French.  This is all you really need to know about her, as she is so stereotypically French it isn't even funny — she has exquisite taste, is opinionated on all matters from arts to fine cuisine, is a wondrously sexual creature and is the editor of a startup fashion magazine.  She's also the one who started our online romance by accidentally letting slip a secret she shouldn't have, so we literally could not have had the wedding without her.  She also brought us a bottle of fine French champagne for our wedding night at the Silvermine Tavern, and even I — a patent-pending beer snob — liked that champagne.   That's significant, folks.
We have one notable absence from these pages, and that is our friend Basya.  But a) she is hesitant to give her real name online and b) we don't have a picture of her here, so until I hear from her and get a picture I will keep the details scarce.  But we were real glad to have her there.  Go to the next page for the family portraits.