Ferrett Steinmetz's Stories
I’d been a writer for twenty years, without much success. Then, in 2008, I went to the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop, and it showed me everything I’d been doing wrong. In fact, Clarion was so influential on me that I rebooted my writing career, calling off those past two decades and starting over again from August 2008. Hence, everything you’ll see here is from 2008 on.
My Upcoming Novel “ Flex “
Dudes! My Breaking Bad-meets-magic urban fantasy novel Flex is coming out from Angry Robot Books on March 3rd, 2015! I’ve even got a book page up for it and everything! Go check it out, or pre-order it at Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Powell’s!
Upcoming Short Story Publications:
- “Rooms Formed of Neurons and Sex,” GUD Magazine (early 2015)
Published Short Stories For Your Reading Pleasure:
- “The Bliss Machine,” Three-Lobed Burning Eye (Issue #25)
- “Four Scenes From Wieczniak’s Whisk-U-Away, And One Not,” Fantasy Scroll Magazine (Issue #2)
- “Black Swan Oracle,” What Fates Impose Anthology (or hear the Escape Pod audio production!)
- “In Extremis,” Space and Time Magazine (Issue #120)
- “The Cultist’s Son,” Apex Magazine
- “The Sturdy Bookshelves of Pawel Oliszewski,” Intergalactic Medicine Show
- “Riding Atlas,” Three-Lobed Burning Eye (Issue #22) (Or hear the Pseudopod audio production!)
- “Shadow Transit,” Buzzy Mag (July 2013)
- “Shoebox Heaven,” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine (April 2013)
- “One-Hand Tantra,” Unidentified Funny Objects anthology (December 2012)
- “Dead Merchandise,” Kaleidotrope (Or hear the Escape Pod audio production!) (October 2012)
- “In The Unlikely Event,” Daily Science Fiction (March 2012)
- “‘Run,’ Bakri Says,” Asimov’s (Oct 2011 issue), then Escape Pod (audio performance + full text)
- “Devour,” Escape Pod (Audio production + full text)
- “Sauerkraut Station,” Giganotosaurus (Nov 2011)
- “iTime,” Redstone Science Fiction (Oct 2011)
- “My Father’s Wounds,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies (Sept 2011) (Or hear the BCC audio production!)
- “As Below, So Above” (Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nov 2011) (Or hear the PodCastle audio production!)
- “A Window, Clear As A Mirror” (Shimmer Issue #13) (Or hear the PodCastle audio production!)
- “The Backdated Romance” (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Issue #47)
- “In the Garden of Rust and Salt” (GUD Magazine Issue #6)
- “Under The Thumb Of The Brain Patrol” (Asimov’s, Sept/Oct 2010)
- “The Sound of Gears” (The Edge of Propinquity #36) (Or hear the Pseudopod audio production!)
- “Dead Prophecies” (Three-Lobed Burning Eye Issue #19)
- “In The Land of the Deaf” (Electric Spec Issue #13)
- “Camera Obscured” (Asimov’s, Sept/Oct 2009)
- “At The Unicorn Factory” (Bards and Sages Quarterly, Issue #1)
- “Home Despot” (Big Pulp)
- “Suicide Notes, Written By An Alien Mind” (Pseudopod Audio Production)
- “The Elderly Cyborg” (Leading Edge Issue #58)